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Space Dog by Mini Grey


Space Dog is a noble hound, boldly going where no mutt has gone before, answering distress calls and judging the odd hat competition. On his homeward journey, he answers a mayday call from planet Cream and rescues Astrocat, who soon makes himself useful cooking up dishes from the meagre rations on board. 'But wait!' you say, 'Dogs and cats are surely sworn enemies? Could things get any worse?' Yes! A distress call from the crumbling and whiffy planet Cheese lures them into the lair of an alien queen-ant thing...

In her latest visual feast, Mini Grey skilfully blends the canine and feline worlds with a touch of Ridley Scott, early episodes of Star Trek and a storyline that mashes Fireball XL5 with Lassie, somehow producing a space opera from the contents of her kitchen and bathroom cupboards. The sky at night is a whole load more interesting for it. The constellations need reshaping and renaming because somewhere out there is a place where cats and dogs and meeces live in peaces. Hanna-Barbera heaven. Also look out for other Mini Grey including the detective fiction of Hermelin, the nursery rhyme gangster mashup of Dish and the Spoon, the Action Man/James Bond hybrid of Traction Man. Track them down for storytelling of the highest order. Also see Laika the Astronaut, Professor Astro Cat's Frontiers of Space, or seek out new dog exploration fare in the hard to find Mr Lunch titles...

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